Sunday, April 7, 2013

Pocket Size Kleenex Holder

I seem to be carrying Kleenex around with me a lot lately and just love these little pocket size holders, so today I thought I'd share a tutorial with you.

Besides being simple to make these are just so darn cute!!! Plain or all dudded up, I love them!! Perfect size for your purse, diaper bag, backpack, knitting project tote.....

This is a great project to use up fun scraps you have in your fabric stash.

First, cut from  your main fabric and lining fabric into a  6 x 5.5 inch square.
Sew the 6 inch ends, open up and press.
Next fold in half overlapping a tiny bit and sew the ends.
Turn right side out and press. Add folded up tissues.
Be creative with your variations and have fun!! Go get creative!!!
Here is a sneak peek at my next tutorial....chapstick  holders!!! I love these!! I added a D-ring to the end of the little tissue holder on this one and clipped the chapstick holder to it.